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3D Design in the Wolfram Ecosystem

Wolfram Mathematica is best known for mathematical and symbolic computation yet its tentacles reach into a wide variety of fields, including 3D design.  Its integrated approach to syntax means that its 3D printing capabilities can be applied far and wide.  In this talk, we’ll discuss the basics of working with this functional programming language, get our hands dirty with 3D coordinate systems, transformations, and randomness, and highlight multiple ways to create 3D models directly from the curated Wolfram ecosystem, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, and geography.



Christopher Hanusa

Christopher is a Professor of Mathematics at Queens College of the City University of New York. His mathematical research is in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics with over 25 peer-reviewed publications. He is also an internationally exhibited mathematical artist and an entrepreneur who started Hanusa Design, a 3D printed mathematical jewelry company. Learn more at and


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